Episode 3 – Buster

This week, I wanted to share a little story about Buster.

Buster is a 4-year old American Bulldog. I like to call him our “Gentle Giant” because he is over 110 pounds but is the sweetest little guy.

When Buster first came to us, he was not a happy camper. His body was covered in a rash from head to toe and even had abscesses all over. His owner had no idea what was going on and the rash was only getting worse.

At first it seemed like it was dermatitis, but it did not respond to treatment, so Dr Van Volkenburgh requested a culture of the bacteria.  

We did cultures and found that he had MRSA – a highly contagious infection that can be very resistant to antibiotics. 

We immediately started laser therapy, antibiotic injections, topical treatments, and drained the abscesses. We even gave Buster anti-itch injections so that he could relax and have a break from all the itching!

It took daily treatments of laser therapy and topical ointments. He stayed with us over a month because Dr V (and his owner!) wanted to make sure he was cured! 

He was finally able to go home after intensive and aggressive treatments.

He now returns to the office weekly to continue his laser therapy and see the staff for his follow-up visits. He is no longer scratching, his rash is gone and his fur is even growing back on his previously bald patches! Buster is finally back to his old self and he and his owner are overjoyed to have their normal routines back. 

Dr Van Volkenburgh does not stop until she gets to the real source of your pet’s issue. You won’t get a “lick” and a promise here! We are here to make your pet better and we won’t give up until it’s done!



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